
Due to Finland’s commitment to environmental sustainability, the country has had an impressive recycling rate over the past few years and is a pioneer in adopting the circular economy model. Kuusakoski回收, 总部设在埃斯波, contributes significantly to this circular economy model through processes that recover valuable materials from discarded electronics, 被称为电子垃圾, 减少对新资源开采的需求.

作为北欧领先的回收服务商之一, 库萨科夫斯基回收提供成本效益, environmentally responsible recycling services to e-waste collectors and recyclers, 企业, 小型企业, 非营利组织, 原始设备制造商, 政府和市政当局.

就像任何回收公司一样, Kuusakoski recycling facilities could be exposed to potential fire hazards that can release significant quantities of toxic or harmful substances into 环境. These risks may originate from the materials they manage, 他们使用的机器, 以及各种操作元素. In case of interruption of activities due to fire incidents, the company will face significant financial losses and additional costs for the business. 因此, the time spent extinguishing fires can stretch more than anticipated, which might affect the recycling business when halting any activity.

Recent major fires at Metsä Fibre Paper Recycling Plant and Kiertokapula Recycling Center in Finland serve as reminders of the need for continuous vigilance and adherence to safety protocols when dealing with highly combustible materials in recycling facilities to protect employees, 环境, 以及周边社区.

The company approached our team of fire protection specialists to address and mitigate any fire-related risks in order to prevent damage to 环境 and surroundings. We performed a series of fire safety audits at various service points on the premises of Kuusakoski回收 to identify fire safety risks related to the recycling business. The following is the list of recycling facilities where our team was appointed as fire protection experts:

  • 海诺拉,芬兰(2017年和2019年)
  • Kivikko,赫尔辛基(2017)
  • 考拉蒂,埃斯波(2017)
  • 拉赫蒂,芬兰(2019)
  • 《皇家88娱乐》(2019)
  • spamatga,瑞典(2017)
  • Gävle,瑞典(2017和2019)
  • 斯凯利特汉,瑞典(2017年和2019年)
  • Lycxele,瑞典(2017)
  • 瑞典蒂姆勒夫(2019)

These series of audits and reports allowed them to become safe and secure facilities that can process and repurpose materials on a global scale efficiently. 此外, the site inspections carried out on the developments at Kuusakoski回收's sites brought clear economic benefits to the organization.

When working in recycling facilities that handle a variety of highly combustible materials, several critical considerations must be taken into account by our team of experts. These encompass material classification to understand the potential hazards, effective fire detection and suppression systems tailored to the specific materials and processes, and the implementation of material separation practices to prevent hazardous mixtures. 充足的存储管理, 预防性设备维护, and stringent protocols for hot work operations are crucial for fire prevention.



Kuusakoski, Suomi


Eri sijainteja Suomessa + Ruotsissa


2017 - 2019






MSc.、土木工程师、消防工程及风险管理、 消防安全FISE设计师(PV级); 主席, 成员


“自从进行消防安全审核以来, fire safety has taken big steps forward in terms of numbers. The audits have given us significant areas for improvement, 皇家88娱乐也从皇家88账户注册项工作中获得了经济利益, 因为火灾造成的损失很小."

- Mikko Kuusilehto, Managing Director, Kuusakoski回收
